
MRT Green Line Extension Zhongli

Route Map

MRT Green line extends ZhongliDownload

List of station names and locations

No. LocationStation LocationTransfer Route
GE01Bade District's "Jiande Road to Kanding Road" opens up a new road (originally the living areas of Road No.6)Elevated
GE02Zhongshan East Road Section 4, Zhongli District (vicinity of Cian 10th Village)Underground
GE03Zhongshan East Road Section 3, Zhongli District (vicinity of Fu Tai Elementary School)Underground
GE04Zhongshan East Road Section 2, Zhongli District and Zhongli's Carrefour's vicinityUnderground
GE05Vicinity of Zhongli's Huanzhong East Road and Fuzhou Road (Zhongli Sports Park)UndergroundTransfer Route:Transfer to MRT Airport Line

Route Instruction and Introduction

一、Route Instruction and Introduction

(一)Origin of the plan:
Considering the future urban development of Taoyuan and increasing the utilization rate of public transportation, this project can connect the MRT Airport Line and the Taoyuan MRT Green Line, and combine the urban renewal and land development benefits along the lines to improve the accessibility of Taoyuan City's overall transportation network. Improve the efficiency of public transportation and achieve the vision of sustainable transportation development.
(二)Plan content:
The planned route of this project extends from the Taoyuan MRT Green Line G01 station in Bade District to the west, and adopts an elevated form along the newly opened road (formerly No. 6 Road in the Living Circle) from "Jiande Road to Kanding Road" to Xiaoli The slope turns underground and connects to Zhongshan East Road. At the intersection of Zhongshan East Road and Huanzhong Road in Zhongli District, turn left to connect to Huanzhong Road Section 2. Go to the intersection of Huanzhong Road and Longgang Road and turn right to Longgang Road 2. section, and finally go straight through Jianxing Road to the MRT Airport Line A23 Station. In the future, it will connect the MRT Airport Line and the Taoyuan MRT Green Line to form a circular MRT road network. The planned route is approximately 7.2 kilometers long, with a total of 5 MRT stations (4 underground stations, 1 elevated station) and 1 parking garage.
(三)Project benefits:
Connecting the Bade and Zhongli living circles to realize the Taoyuan MRT network track loop, the plan is to serve 8 social residences along the line, implement residential justice, improve the function and service quality of the urban transportation hub, and drive industries along the MRT line develop.

Project processing status

(一) Feasibility study: Approved by the Executive Yuan on February 15, 2020.

(二) Environmental Impact Assessment: For review by the Ministry of Environment on February 18, 2023.

(三) Comprehensive planning report: Approved by the Executive Yuan on December 29, 2023.

(四) The MRT Green Line extension to Zhongli is expected to open to traffic in December 2031.